Friday 27 May 2016

Weekly Reflections

This week I was learning to Find a Fraction of an amount and we are Learning to find out why the people are on the New Zealand Notes.
I have wrote my own nonsense poem about a didgeridoo. This is it:
What does a didgeridoo

Rats Run in rags
Monkeys mope with you
Foxes flip over flipping Fire snakes
But what does didgeridoo

Butterflies bark at blueberries
Bats Begin to moo
Unicorns use ukelaleś
But what does a didgeridoo

1.1/4 of 32=8
2.3/9 of 18=6
3.6/10 of 90=54

We are doing lord Rutherford so he is the person that we are going to find out why he is on the $100 note 
Image result for lord rutherford new zealand notes

1 comment:

  1. Kaleb, I really loved your Didgeredoo poem, I found it most funny when it said ünicorns use ukelales". It made me giggle with laughter and I was very pleased with the way you have typed it.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.